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Emotional Dysregulation

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Emotional Dysregulation

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A difficulty in regulating our emotions is often a difficulty in nervous system regulation.

How is that?
Our nervous system helps us make sense of the raw data we receive through our senses. But before this data has further reached the brain for proper interpretation (which can take a while, in the context of survival), we may already have a sensory impression and a linked emotional response to the situation we’re in.
The emotional response is thus great for making quick decisions in a possibly unsafe environment, thus helping us in navigating our way through different sensory inputs even before the brain has fully made sense of them.

What happens when our nervous system (and our emotional state) is dysregulated, and our emotions suppressed or ignored?
Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other emotional disturbances are all considered features of a ‘dysregulated’ nervous system. These symptoms often take precedence over the ‘cognitive’ functions of the brain – namely, decision-making, logical reasoning, conceptual comprehension, orientation to time and place, among others due to their origin in the most primal parts of our brain (which relate to our survival mechanisms).

Correspondingly - a ‘regulated’ nervous system is able to relax and put its energy toward orienting to the environment, at last achieving its inherent capacity to create, resolve, and expand human potential.

If you feel like you need help in managing your mental health concerns – we offer a free first consultation session to all new clients, which you may schedule using the link provided in this page. You may alternatively call at 9811273255 for the same.