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Overthinking, Indecision & Procrastination

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Overthinking, Indecision & Procrastination

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Imagine that as you are driving a bicycle along a dark road, and one of the wheels get stuck in a puddle. Unable to move forward while still being on the bike, you may need to stop completely, and assess why you might be stuck. You see a problem, fix it in the best way you can (seeing as you may not know much about bicycles, or the concern at hand), and get back up. You ride till a little further, but find that the same problem is repeating over and over again. You may feel that unless this problem is resolved completely, the possibility of getting to your destination on your bicycle is quite bleak.

As you may need to make other arrangements for transportation, how likely is it that your mind finds itself going back to the problem faced then?

How likely is the mind to go back to a problem (that matters) that it knows it hasn’t found the solution for yet?

As it turns out – very likely.
Despite our best intentions and the best reassurances then, the mind may consequently want to avoid certain situations where it is likely to be overwhelmed or strained – like avoiding riding the bicycle again altogether for fear of getting stuck again. This avoidance may show up in our behavior, as procrastination.

If this description feels familiar to you: please know, that you needn’t go through this process alone – reach out to us to schedule a free call to a therapist for professional assistance on your mental health journey ~